NPSO Innovatiedag (6de editie/6th edition)

woensdag, 29 november 2023 - 11:00 tot 17:30

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2023 is an odd number and that means NPSO will organize another edition of the bi-annual ‘Innovatiedag’. It will be the 6th edition and it will take place again at CBS Den Haag. A video/online option will be added but live participation is strongly encouraged with a lunch and drinks afterwards. 14 PhD’s from Belgium and the Netherlands have accepted the invitation to present their work. One of them will win the ‘Innovatieprijs’ sponsored by CBS and based on the votes of participants. The presentations are diverse, ranging from non-probability samples to synthetic data to monitoring of physical activity through trackers to data donation to push-to-smart strategies and more. A closing lecture will be given by Joost Kappelhof, head of methodology of SCP.


11:00-11:10: Opening

11:10-12.50: SESSION 1


Daniëlle Remmerswaal (Utrecht University) - Effects of study duration and app editing possibilities on response rates and app engagement in a smartphone travel app of Statistics Netherlands


Inge de Wolf (Amsterdam UMC) - Device-based physical activity surveillance


Mike Vollebregt (CBS) - The classification of stops and movements of vehicles


Daria Dementeva (KU Leuven) - Linking survey data with OpenStreetMap and Geospatial Census Data to contextualize intergroup relations at the neighborhood level: The case of Belgian National Election Study 2019


Olena Holubowska (KU Leuven) - Advancing urban segregation analysis with mobile phone big data


12:50-13:20:    LUNCH

13:20-15:00:   SESSION 2

  1. Thom Volker (Utrecht University) - Density ratios to evaluate and improve the utility of synthetic data
  1. Rachel de Jong (Leiden University) - Node anonymity in networks
  1. Leonie Cloos (KU Leuven) - How do you feel – and if so, how many?” Measuring Positive and Negative Affect in Daily life
  1. Paul Bokern (Maastricht University) - The Validity of Risk Preference Elicitation Meth
  2. Lucas Harlaar (Maastricht University) - Statistical Early Warning models with applications


15:00-15:15:    BREAK

15:15-16:35:   SESSION 3

  1. An-Chiao Liu (Tilburg University) - Improving descriptive inference from nonprobability samples
  1. Thijs Carrière (Utrecht University) - Best practices in data donation: A workflow for collection of digital trace data
  1. Estrelle Thunissen (University of Antwerp) - Barriers and facilitators of web-based respondent driven sampling (web RDS) in Europe: Lessons learned from sampling men who have sex with men in Belgium
  1. Camilla Salvatore (Utrecht University) - Enhancing analytic inference while reducing the costs: a Bayesian data integration approach


16:35-17:00:   Discussant Joost Kappelhof (SCP)

17:00 -17:15:   Voting and NPSO Innovation Award

17:15:             DRINKS

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